After a march organized by an anarchist/antiauthoritarian initiative, around 500 persons demonstrated at Perama after the death of at least 8 workers in the shipyard during maintenance works inside an oil tanker. (See also: Clashes over workers death...). During the march there was some tension outside KKE (communist party) offices, member of which the previous days had been frightening local residents claiming "anarchists will come to beat up workers and destroy their properties". After the march, some demonstrators threw symbolically red paints at the repair shop, the 8 workers had been working for when they lost their lives 6 days earlier. Note that some of the rest of the repair workers verbally attacked the demonstrators, outraged by the paints... On the opposite, the demonstrations seems to have been welcomed warmly, relatives and neighboors were waving to the demonstrators with raised fists and clapping hands. Some photos:
Photos at athens.indymedia.org
From Red anti-reporters
From Egaleo Anarchists Initiative

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