External surveillance camera sabotage (Thessaloniki, 27/09/2007)

Source (greek only): Athens IndyMedia

In the same area was found a flyer writing:

Side 1:

"The owners took their guns.

Few days ago, the ASPIS tax consulting agency branch in Ippodromiou Str. decorated its walls with the following threatening sign: "You who with audacity soil my property, there is a surprise for you, we shall all enjoy it", warning anyone that does graffiti in case he/she does not share this boss's aesthetics concerning the walls' cleanliness/property. In the same time, they also placed an exterior surveillance camera targeting the wall, so as to frame any "offenders"."

Side 2:

It turns out we were the ones to surprise them (we broke down the camera and threw wet paint on the shop) the morning of 27/9, and we certainly enjoyed it. It was just the beginning. Our lives are not to be monitored. Destroy the cameras."

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