Gas canister attack at Triandria City Hall (Thessaloniki, 23/1/2008)

Report in greek:

An explosion was caused by gas canisters unknown persons set at the entrance of Triandria City Hall, early in the morning, that lead to minor damages breaking the entrance glass windows.

The same night, there were two attacks with stones and red paints against two offices of New Democracy (ruling party) all of them in Thessaloniki.

Responsibily claim at

We claim responsibility for the arson against the City Hall of Triandria, in Thessaloniki, on Wednesday morning, 23-01-2007.

Early in the morning of 23-01-2007 an improvised incendiary devise was set at the entrance of the city hall of Triandria, Thessaloniki, in solidarity to the anarchists Vaggelis Botzatzis, who is prosecuted under the terror-law, based on a farcical indictment involving witnesses coming from cops and security guards, concerning some arson attacks against state and capitalist targets. Under the same case, another 3 anarchist comrades are "wanted". Within the context of the anti-state action we practically declare our solidarity to all those that do not submit to the established order of democratic prosperity. We are on constant war are we don't have the luxury to stand back. No emprisonment, no raid can ever limit the action of those that are conciously opposed to this world's order. Because some chose not to undersign the manifesto of submission.

FREEDOM TO THE ANARCHIST VAGGELIS BOTZATZIS, emprisoned since 29-11-2007 in Komotini juridicial prisons.

HANDS OFF THE 3 FUGITIVE COMRADES under the same case.

Network for the re-appropriation of the night

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