According to a text published at (where you can also see some screenshots):
A group called "luben black creatures" (roukzouk – RottenTeaBAg – anonymous - chaos - DMR), hacked the site of PAME (a workers associations front, controlled by the KKE wich is the main parliamentary "communist party") as a response to the bullying and policing of all last years, as well as during the demonstrations at Perama and helexpo trade fair. They claim "PAME is the syndicalist organ of a very precise party, wich has a reactionary guideline for years now, under the dogma "you are either with us, or you are an enemy" in every form of its action and words. With a vertical hierarchy and a wide range of weapons against each fighter that doesn't follow its mother-party's guideline or even deviate." They also mention the cases when the PAME syndicalists spread out that anarchists would go to Perama (to demonstrate in the occasion of workers death) in order to beat up workers and destroy their property, claiming that "whoever choses to act like a cop, will be also treated as a cop - whoever choses to uses struggles in order to gain some votes, will be treated as a strike-breaker - whoever choses to defend the bosses will have the same treatment with them".
Note: there were a lot of similar actions (mostly defacements) within an antiauthoritarian context in the recent past, though they weren't covered by this blog. From now on they will be reported as well.
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